How to remove formatting, clear formatting, line break removal, html stripper in a sec, formatted html to clean text.
#remove formatting #line break removal #clear formatting #html stripper #formatted html #clean text Do you need a quick, easy and satisfying way to transform your formatted HTML text into a clean and pretty unformatted text? I use this a hundert times per day. Google does this. Go to your Browser and copy CMD + C some text you wish unformatted, cleaned, stripped... Open a new Browser Tab (you can do this with a shortcut), Press CMD + V to paste the text into the browser bar in your Chrome Browser, or in the Google Search on any other.. CMD + A to select everything in the adress bar, CMD + C to copy your unformatted text. Magic. Please consider subscribing to our mailing list on the right, we won't bother you witch unnecessary information.